Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow Day #1

I'm a bit behind, but here are just a few pix from the first snow day we had on Jan. 20, 2011. 

 Lexi just loves to be pulled around on the sled.  She didn't last too long before she told me she was done and ready to go inside.  It was a bitterly cold day that day.
 Trey did his best to build a fort.  The snow wasn't sticking together very well though. 

Pinewood Derby

Trey participated in his first ever Pinewood Derby on Jan. 24, 2011.  He had such a good time making his car with his dad.  Curt even got a book on secrets to make your car faster.  For his first car, Trey decided to make an easier design.  It turned out great!

 Trey ended up getting 2nd place in his division.  He was pretty excited!  Way to go Trey!
 Proud mom and Den Leader!
 Trey and Curt did an awesome job on their first car together!
 Of course Trey had to check out his trophy.
A great time was had by all and can't wait for next year.  Trey has already picked out the design for his next car.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Trey and I are are grieving.  For the loss of Harry Potter.  We have spent the last six months reading the Harry Potter series together and we finally finished the last book this week.  Now what do we do?  There is a hole within both of us.  A void that needs to be filled.  We started reading the Narnia series, but in the words of Trey, "It's just not the same without Harry".  I have to agree with him.  There is a bit of me that misses Harry too.  Time will heal and we will carry on finding new book treasures.  Or maybe I'm just a bit sad because I really looked forward to the time we spent together reading.  Just me and Trey.  It was so fun to see him so excited about a book and BEG me to read to him for hours on end (literally hours!).  I plan on continuing our time together reading, but we will just have to dig a bit to find something as exciting as Harry Potter.  If you have any suggestions, I would love to hear them!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Kids Pix

Just had to share some pix of the kids we had done for my parents for Christmas. 

Christmas 2010

Christmas again this year was truly wonderful!  We spent Christmas Eve at my parents house with my brother and sister-in-law and their kids. 

 On Christmas day, Trey was up at 4:30am to check out what Santa had brought.  I tried to get him to go back to bed, but no such luck!

 Later that day we went back to my parent's house to celebrate with my grandparents, aunts/uncles/cousins on my mom's side.  It was a houseful, but everyone had a great time!

Sunday, December 19, 2010


As I was heading upstairs to check on my darling daughter, she met me halfway with a nice little surprise.  At first, I was in shock.  But my shock gave way to laughter very quickly.  I'm not sure she appreciated me laughing at her though as her face became almost tearful. 

Luckily it was a washable marker and it was only on her face (the walls, furniture, floors, etc. were safe!).


Harry Potter fever hasn't just hit Trey this year.  Lexi LOVES Harry Potter as well!  She even asks to watch Harry Potter.  The other night, she found her "wand" - aka drumstick - and decided to perform the Ridiculus spell on her brother and myself.